The Trumpenstein Project

It is now more apparent than ever that Donald J. Trump was the creation of someone or something very powerful. He was wound up and escorted directly from his Reality TV world, onto the national political stage.

As I’ve noted many times, Trump’s radical, often revolutionary campaign rhetoric appealed to millions of disgruntled citizens like me. I found it difficult to believe that this lifelong One Percenter- of whom I held a not terribly detailed but decidedly negative impression- could possibly be saying such things.

For those with short memories, Trump not only referred to “globalists,” in Alex Jones-style conspiracy-friendly terms, he noted over and over again that the system was rigged, and “you can’t fix it by trusting those who rigged it.” His slogans “America First” and “Drain the Swamp” energized most of those in my world.

Trump hinted at conspiracies and cover ups that other politicians simply never have. He inferred Ted Cruz’s father may have been involved in the JFK assassination. He noted that “some people believe” Vince Foster was murdered. As Roger Stone told me back in 2015, “he knows about all the conspiracies- you would love him.”

He called out the “phony” unemployment statistics, which were changed in the 1990s to dishonestly count only those presently filing for benefits. This was in addition, of course, to disparaging “fake news” and blasting mainstream journalists for their lies and distorted coverage. All of this was music to my ears.

Several times, Trump lamented the “senseless wars” that had cost “trillions of dollars,” which would have permitted us to “rebuild this country several times.” He was the first politician to accurately assess our pathetic infrastructure and label it as the embarrassment it is. He criticized political leaders of both parties over the horrendous trade deals like NAFTA, which outsourced our industry and left us unable to make electronics, clothing or anything else of substance.

And most of all he lit into our disastrous immigration policy. As he said many times, “you either have a country or you don’t,” and made countless specific promises in this area. He claimed that he would end Obama’s unconstitutional DACA program on the first day in office, would sign an Executive Order ending birth-right citizenship, end the deadly H-1B Visa foreign worker program, and take a step back and “look at all immigration,” including legal immigration. He was the first candidate I’d ever heard who talked freely about deporting illegal immigrants.

Trump seemed utterly “awake” on the vaccine question, and how they are obviously linked to the alarming rise in autism rates. He promised a commission to study the issue, and just after his inauguration, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., of all people, held a press conference to announce that he would be chairing it.

Trump’s selection of neocon fundamentalist Mike Pence raised more than a few eyebrows, but his stunning inaugural address kindled a great deal of hope that perhaps he actually did intend to keep all those promises. I was moved by that address, and considered it the best since John F. Kennedy’s.

We all know what happened next. Pence wasn’t an anomaly; Trump appointed one odious Deep State veteran after another to all key positions in his cabinet. The only even semi-outsiders were Steve Bannon, who was quickly marginalized and later unceremoniously dumped, and General Mike Flynn, who was demonized after a cup of coffee as Trump’s National Security Adviser. Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador typified his selections; a John McCain-style warmonger par excellence, who had been a vocal #Never Trumper during the presidential campaign.

I have often wondered, in fact, how many of those who have surrounded Trump in the White House, and still surround him (the tremendous turnover rate hasn’t featured any diversity of thought- one Swamp Creature simply supplants another), actually voted for him. Has that ever been asked about any previous president?

Needless to say, Trump didn’t end DACA on his first day in office. He didn’t end birth-right citizenship. He didn’t stop the H-1B Visa program, and now we have more Visa workers than ever. Despite all his radical rhetoric, Trump has been actually deporting fewer illegals than Barack Obama.

Those of us who fell for the rhetoric and the slogans should really have known better. The evidence was there; his public endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president in 2008, the photos of him laughing and socializing with the Clintons. The creepy video of him schmoozing with Rudy Giuliani in drag. Giuliani, of course, would go on to become an influential adviser to President Trump. And Trump would quiet the post-election cries of “Lock her up” regarding Hillary Clinton by telling his loyal followers that “we don’t need that now,” and called her “good people.”

So was Trump packaged and sold, like a marketplace version of Frankenstein, to appeal to the percolating dissent in the heartland, and the people who were once called “the silent majority?” That “silent majority” isn’t the majority now, thanks to millions of immigrants and a steady cultural drift to the left. But they maintain an influence in the “flyover states,” and tipped the electoral college balance in the 2016 election.

Trump represents a symbol of all that America once was, when it was ruled exclusively by white males. White males who didn’t back down, or apologize, and spoke their mind. The fact that Trump actually has backed down, repeatedly, on budget deals, on immigration, on withdrawing troops, and other issues, doesn’t seem to damage his brand in the eyes of those who still support him. He talks and tweets a strong game. He makes fun of individual reporters in press conferences. He loves fast food. In their eyes, he’s one of them.

The Trump Project consisted of a renegade candidate, with radical ideas and brash talk, but also a cartoonish ego and often shocking inability to articulate. While those in the heartland ate up the juvenile name-calling and impolite style, a huge portion of Americans were appalled, and unleashed a vitriol not seen since the halcyon days of World War II, when Adolph Hitler took on a satanic veneer that no bogeyman had previously, or has since.

This week, Hillary Clinton, the embodiment of a “left” that found “McCarthyism” repugnant and lampooned any fervent anti-communist, attacked Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. Clinton, in the best tradition of the right-wingers she presumably hated, called Gabbard a “Russian asset,” and included Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein in the same category.

Many good people, who once loved my work, have jumped on this surrealistic bandwagon. They’ve drank the anti-Trump Kool-Aid to such an extent that they’re willing to form alliances with our intelligence agencies, Trump’s former aide John Bolton, or anyone else anywhere who opposes him. And they dutifully dub anyone who criticizes the Clintons, or Joe Biden’s son, or supports Trump’s talk about withdrawing troops as “Russian Bots.”

The Trump Project has succeeded in killing any hope of an independent political movement, outside of the phony left-right paradigm. All political discourse now is filtered through the prism of Trump’s outlandish personality, and how one reacts to it. And most Americans have responded predictably to the programming, and fall in faithfully into either the “love” or “hate” category.

We have gone from a president that the most absurd “conspiracy theorists” believe may have been created in a lab- Barack “no real personal history” Obama, to a character right out of WWE central casting, manufactured to get the maximum amount of cheers and hisses. A perfect leader for our burgeoning Idiocracy.

Lincoln once talked about a house divided being unable to stand. Our house is hopelessly divided, and barely standing. It won’t take much of a wind to blow it down. We really need a Frank Capra to devise a happy ending to this story.

About donaldjeffries

Author of the critically acclaimed best sellers "Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover Ups in American Politics,""Survival of the Richest: How the Corruption of the Marketplace and the Disparity of Wealth Created the Greatest Conspiracy of All," and the newly released "Crimes and Cover Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Author of the 2007 sci-fi/fantasy novel "The Unreals," which has been described as a cross between The Wizard of Oz and The Twilight Zone, and compared to A Confederacy of Dunces and classic Russian literature. A second edition of "The Unreals" was published in February 2015 by Pocol Press. Long time JFK assassination researcher. Seeker of truth, proponent of justice and fairness. Enemy of corruption. Sender of as many "tiny ripples of hope" as possible.

Posted on October 21, 2019, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. A lot to think about. Thanks.

  2. He also hinted that he would start a real 9/11 investigation (as opposed to the sham 9/11 Commission which was conducted to obscure what actually happened, not find out the truth, much like the Warren Commission did for JFK).

    However I think that even if the truth about 9/11 was revealed by an official commission or any other method it wouldn’t change anything. We have reached the point where most people in this country, on both the left and the right (but especially the left), simply believe whatever they want to believe and any facts that refute that belief are denied or ignored, or it is claimed that they indicate the exact opposite of what they actually indicate. Dick Cheney could hold a televised news conference tomorrow and admit everything about 9/11 and it would change nothing. The MSM would mostly ignore and bury the story, and what little bit of coverage it got the pundits would say he said the exact opposite of what he actually said. Everyone who still believes the official narrative about 9/11 (which unfortunately is most people) would just continue to believe what they believe now. The 9/11 Truthers would be excitedly pointing out the news conference and they would be met with a bunch of stares and yawns.

  3. Donald, you know by now that this really is WWE. It’s completely contrived and scripted. I’m more and more convinced these are ALL family actors from the ruling banking class or pawns. This theater is hard to shake as we’ve been programmed from the earliest ages to accept it as real. Its so hard to break from the sticky threads of lingering propoganda about this party or that dogma, when the truth is probably that it’s all a complete and utter psyop from start to finish.

    The great ending is that it doesn’t really matter. You will pull back the layers and reveal what you can, while others will accept or deny. In the end it matters not because we just live the best we can with the info we have in the reality that is contrived for us. I consider my self very fortunate that I won the lottery and wasn’t born in some war-torn crap hole. It may end that way here, but for now I can take pity on those who refuse to see what’s in front of their faces. I too was that way not so very long ago and that’s real freedom.

  4. Christopher J. McKinley

    Ding, ding, ding it is International Litmus Test time for all political, governmental, military, corporate, foundation and NGO suits.
    1) Pedophilia Litmus Test- Apparently, this test really needs to be administered on a widespread basis.
    2) Water Purity Litmus Test- pro or con chlorox and fluoride treated water. This is important.
    3)Transgendered Litmus Test- yes or no, are you or your spouse transgendered?
    4) Holocaust Museum Test- Who really got holocausted in WW2, the Germans or the Jews?
    5) Going to the Moon Litmus Test- Yes or no, give NASA their day in court.
    6) 911 Pancake Litmus Test- Yeah, okay.
    7) Forced Vaccination Litmus Test- Pull yourself together on this one.
    8) The Globetard or the Flat Earth renegade Litmus Test- Yeah, the 66,000 mph yearly trip works for me.
    9) The Ten Commandments minus the four that deal with the Yahweh gangster God Litmus Test- This is where decent humanity gets to shine.
    I appreciate all your hard work and dedication, thanks.

  5. And yet he hasn’t started a war, we should be in the midst of WW3, that was the Globalist’s plan. And yet the Bronfmans and Epstein, *billionaires*, were taken in. And yet he is actually reinforcing the border… which is why Obama kicked out more, because it was so easy for them to come back in… And yet N and S Korea came to the table, when the former was historically a CIA/Deep State vassal State… So on and so on.

    It is really easy to take Trump at his word and consider him a failure – but to him words are just a means to an end.

    I’m afraid you haven’t spent enough time researching current events as not to be disappointed by them, Sarah Westall also interviewed a Jimmy Boots Rothstein, I highly suggest anyone check that out. Spent decades investigating child trafficking first-hand across the nations.

    Nothing is how it appears, these days more than ever. If more Epsteins and Bonfmans aren’t brought to justice during his second term, or there is some type of civil or world war that he leads, I am admittedly wrong, but ruling him out as of now, is neither prudent nor logical.

    • But…what’s wrong with simply keeping your commitments?? After all, the illegal Obama did some good things too. Donald is obviously controlled albeit by the opposing elite.

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