Monthly Archives: March 2016

Rebels For The Establishment

Donald Trump has ignited the wrath of those offended by “hate” and “intolerance” more than any other presidential candidate in modern history. One might also call the angry opposition to him “hateful” and “intolerant,” but this violates all essential tenets of political correctness. Those indignant about “hate” or “intolerance” cannot themselves be labeled as “hateful” and “intolerant,” no matter how hateful and intolerant they act.

We are being treated to the spectacle of seemingly professional agitators, allegedly funded by the plutocrat George Soros, appearing at every Trump rally now, for the sole purpose of disruption. These crusaders for “democracy” are intent upon stopping Trump and his supporters from expressing their democratic rights. We are basically at the stage where their outrage, and the fact they are offended by Trump’s candidacy, are considered more important than freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

The undeniable fact is that these protesters are, sometimes violently, advocating for the establishment, for the corrupt and incompetent leaders that have brought us to the brink of total collapse. They aren’t fighting the system, they’re clearly working for the system;  as misguided or financially compensated revolutionaries for the state.  According to one alternative outlet, at least some of the Trump protesters admitted to answering a Craigs List ad, paying them $16/hr. for their services. Perhaps they’re just doing the jobs immigrants won’t do.

If one swallows the mainstream media mantra that these disruptions are a democratic “right,” then how do we explain all the concerned citizens who have been forcibly escorted from school board meetings or other local assemblies, merely for talking beyond the designated limit? Try “protesting” a session of Congress, a presidential press conference, a television entertainment broadcast, or the yearly Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove events. The “right” to disrupt appears to belong exclusively to those wishing to stop Donald Trump’s political rallies.

There continue to be open calls for Trump’s assassination on Twitter and elsewhere, an “Assassinate Donald Trump” page which Facebook refuses to take down, threats against his family and suspicious packages delivered to his children. Now Emory University President James Wagner, in response to some of the students being traumatized over seeing “Trump 2016” scrawled in chalk around the campus, has vowed to review surveillance video to find and punish those responsible. The sources vary, but tuition for Emory appears to run from $45,000 to $63,000 annually. We must not have the sons and daughters of the One Percent subjected to such politically incorrect sloganeering.

The Washington Post headlined one story “Donald Trump is a Bigot and a Racist.” MSNBC warns us, “Why Donald Trump’s Racist Remarks Matter.” The Huffington Post provided “9 Examples of Donald Trump Being Racist” (all of them highly dubious, to be kind). Trump is routinely referred to as “racist” now; it’s almost a mandatory adjective for his political opponents.

The Washington Post has also referenced “The Hitler-ification of Donald Trump.” Trump has been increasingly and absurdly compared to Hitler. Comedian Louis C.K., renowned for “joking” about Sarah Palin’s “retard-making cunt,” simply declared “the guy is Hitler.” Bill Maher claimed that Trump kept a volume of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside. Conservative Glenn Beck, who also threatened to stab Trump, has alluded to the parallels with Hitler, as has liberal The View co-hosts Michelle Collins and Joy Behar.

Mexico President Vincente Fox stated, “He reminds me of Hitler.” Former Anti-Defamation League head Abe Foxman, not surprisingly, echoed this same theme. Even Anne Frank’s 86 year old stepsister, Eva Schloss, said, “I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism.”  Rosie O’Donnell wants to smear menstrual blood all over the faces of Trump’s supporters, in a perplexing attempt to fight his “war on women.”

In reality, Donald Trump has more black support, in every poll I’ve seen, than any other Republican candidate in recent memory. Louis Farrakhan supports him. The Hitler analogy is ridiculous. Trump has declared his unwavering support for Israel, as have all the other presidential candidates in the customary manner, and there is nothing outside of the frantic, pro-establishment fears of those who have profited nicely from the present corrupt order, to equate his platform with Germany’s national socialism.

From the panicked, histrionic comments of wealthy celebrities, to the unprecedented disavowals from his own political party members, it is abundantly clear that Donald Trump has struck fear in the heart of the establishment. The angry protesters at his rallies are rebelling against rebellion. All of those who are ridiculing him, calling for censoring him or even assassination, are defending a system that has been monstrously unfair to the vast majority of Americans.

The Washington Post has suggested that Trump be imprisoned for “inciting violence.” Every mainstream talking head, both “left” and “right,” has blamed him for the disruptions at his rallies. A 78 year old man cold-cocked an aggressive angry youth who was disrupting a Trump rally, and all the media could talk about was how he “sucker punched” the punk, and chastise Trump for enabling it. It was not a “sucker punch” by any stretch of the imagination, and in most cases a 78 year old who punches out a young troublemaker would be celebrated by the media.

In a more troubling incident, a young “protester” rushed the stage where Trump was speaking, and the media’s response was to poke fun at Trump’s very understandable physical reaction. The “protester” was released on $300 bail. He was subsequently granted a respectful, sit-down interview with CNN. Can anyone imagine someone threatening Obama or Hillary in such a way, and being treated so leniently?

Donald Trump may still be a phony. He certainly disappointed many with his fawning speech before AIPAC, and some of his incendiary, militaristic comments. But all of the other candidates give you that as well. What makes Trump so decidedly different is his position on immigration, and trade. He is advocating the protection of American industry, and a sane immigration policy. That represents a huge threat to the corrupt, disastrous globalism which is destroying America and the rest of the world.

Like many of his supporters, I view Trump symbolically at this point. As Gary Cooper’s character explained in Frank Capra’s classic 1941 movie Meet John Doe, “this movement is bigger than whether or not I’m a fake.” What Trump represents is bigger than whether or not he has legitimate populist principles. Supporting him is like flinging up a huge figurative middle finger to the establishment.

If the Trump phenomenon turns out to be a psy-op, it’s the biggest psy-op of all time. The hatred unleashed towards him certainly seems like real hatred. The establishment certainly seems to be terrified of him attaining power. Even if Trump turns out to be a power-hungry demagogue, exactly how could he be any worse than those who have run this country since they assassinated John F. Kennedy in 1963?

I like many things about Bernie Sanders, but the Democrats decided at the outset that Hillary Clinton would be the nominee. Sanders has no chance. Trump obviously does. With Clinton, or any of the other Republican stooges, you know what you’re going to get; more foreign interventionism and saber-rattling, more illegal immigration and foreign Visa workers to take jobs from Americans, more putrid deals like the TPP and NDAA, more restrictions on our dwindling civil liberties.

With Trump, you may get secure borders, the end of these awful trade deals, tariffs to protect what’s left of our industry, corporations forced to return operations to our shores, and an easing of the onerous authoritarianism, driven by our culture’s increasing devotion to political correctness. He may not do anything he promised, but as it stands Donald Trump is our only hope.

The way our system is structured, a renegade billionaire is the only kind of independent presidential candidate America can hope to have. Anyone without the resources of a Trump, or a Ross Perot in 1992, would be ignored by the mainstream media and frozen out of the electoral process.

Those lashing out at Donald Trump are not lashing out at the Queen of Corruption, Hillary Clinton. Hillary’s career is riddled with scandals and capitulation to the tyrannical powers-that-be. She is the ultimate authoritarian, warmongering modern “leftist.” If she’s elected, the word “bossy” might be outlawed. The prisons will be even more overflowing with bewildered, previously law abiding “criminals.” With her overt willingness to exploit her gender, divorce rates will probably skyrocket.

It is hilarious to hear the mainstream media openly advocating, practically begging, for a viable Third Party option to “stop Trump.” This is the same media, and the same political party bosses, who kept everyone from Pat Buchanan to Ralph Nader to Jill Stein to various Libertarian Party candidates out of their controlled debates. They’ve always ignored Third Party candidates, and proclaimed that supporting them was “wasting your vote.” Now, they are pleading for one to take votes away from Trump. Which will elect Hillary, of course- the desired outcome for the establishment.

I’ve lost friends over my support of Donald Trump. This is a momentous time in American history. While it may be impossible for any one person to effect the kind of change and reform we desperately need in order to prevent the collapse of our economy, at least we have one candidate, with a real chance to win, who is talking about some of the most important issues, and promising to address them logically.

Attacking Trump is a show of support for the massive corruption, and diabolically unfair policies that have held sway in this country since at least November 22, 1963. Why would any American- faced with a job market where at least 93 million adults of working age are unemployed- possibly support granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, and an increase in the number of foreign VISA workers? Every other presidential candidate supports flooding the market with foreign workers, who compete with desperate out-of-work Americans and will come cheaper.

I could possibly understand these “protesters,” if they also disrupted Hillary’s rallies, Ted Cruz’s rallies, John Kasich’s rallies. But they don’t, and if they did, the mainstream media would never blame those candidates for “inciting” them. They are concentrating exclusively on Trump, much as celebrities and mainstream media talking heads are. Those who run the establishment are the problem, not Trump.

Trump has never been a politician. He has freely admitted taking advantage of their absurd laws and regulations. But he can’t be blamed for our endless wars, the unfathomable banker debt that is being assigned to the taxpayers, the real unemployment rate of 25% or more, our crumbling infrastructure, or any other of the countless problems created by hack party politicians who have profited, and continue to profit handsomely from all of it.

The anti-Trump forces have taken political discourse down to its lowest level imaginable. Their opposition amounts to name-calling and essentially shouting “shut up!” Instead of resorting to predictable, emotional pleas to corrupt authority, what is the argument for open borders? For admitting migrants? For outsourcing jobs?

If the Republican party leaders get their wish, we will see an old-fashioned, Gilded Age style of brokered convention, resulting in a suitably ineffectual candidate like Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney. Then again, many of them are publicly admitting they’d rather see Hillary than Trump win.

Trump has become a lightning rod, a divisive force. This is simply because he is the first presidential candidate in a very long time to point out at least some of the real problems that exist. The situation is far worse than Trump is painting it. But if he attains office, and can do something about immigration and trade alone, then it will be a huge blow against the global elite, and a huge victory for the people.

Our Electoral Corruption is Being Exposed

With the explosion of the internet, it is getting harder for our despicable leaders to hide the reality of the corrupt mess they’ve built. I thought the people would wake up to the absurd nature of our electoral system after the 2000 election, but they went back to sleep as usual. Let’s hope they finally wake up to what’s going on now.

Never has a clear front runner in either major party been treated like Donald Trump. He has been shunned and ridiculed like no one else since Pat Buchanan stunned the elites by winning the 1996 New Hampshire primary. No matter how many times he wins, the mainstream media continues to act as if he really isn’t winning. And top Republican party leaders are increasingly disavowing him, and even forming super PACs, expressly for the purpose of stopping Trump.

Yesterday, Donald Trump won 7 of the 11 states on Super Tuesday. This should have been considered a resounding triumph, and party leaders should be urging the other candidates to drop out and rally behind the presumptive nominee. Instead, we had Jeb Bush and several others, including President Obama, declaring that Trump will not be elected President, or even win the Republican nomination. Despite both the mainstream media, and his own party’s leaders overtly lobbying against him, Trump has won the vast majority of the primaries thus far.

In spite of Trump’s 7 victories yesterday, we are asked to believe that his lead in total delegates actually shrunk to less than 100, over Ted Cruz, who won 3 states on Super Tuesday. Under what sort of electoral system does this kind of math work? How do you receive proportionately more delegates than the person who’s beating you in most of the primaries? Cruz didn’t get more than 50% in Texas, so the delegates were doled out proportionately, and Trump finished second there, so that is no explanation.

In contrast, Bernie Sanders, who won New Hampshire with the biggest margin of victory since JFK in 1960 and somehow received fewer delegates there than the candidate he crushed, is so far behind Hillary Clinton in total delegates that it will be impossible for him to catch her. And yet he’s won more primaries than Ted Cruz has. What kind of ridiculous system is this? Why do “super” delegates even exist? They’re telling you that these “Super” people are party leaders who are simply permitted to go with the hierarchy’s choice, in spite of the popular vote.

Infowars reported, early Tuesday, that local Texas radio stations were getting numerous calls reporting voting irregularities. As had been reported before, some voters complained that the Trump lever wasn’t working in their precinct. The Oklahoma primary results were particularly suspect; while Trump had been leading by a good margin in pre-election polls, he wound up losing by double digits to Cruz. This brought back memories of the shenanigans in Iowa, where exit polls giving Trump a solid victory turned into a razor-thin second place finish over a mysteriously “surging” Marco Rubio. The fact that Microsoft- the second largest contributor to Rubio’s campaign- was permitted to become involved with the vote count at the last minute was only reported by alternative media and seems to have escaped the notice of the clueless sheeple.

Meanwhile, a New York Times reporter jokes about assassinating Trump as the only way to stop him, and comedian George Lopez tweets an image of drug lord El Chapo beheading Trump with the caption, “Make America great again.” Where is the public outrage? Since we’ve already given our stamp of approval to assassinating foreign leaders, and even American citizens, are we now ready to endorse the assassination of political candidates that the establishment doesn’t like? How many celebrities have claimed they’d leave the country is Trump is elected? They’ve even started their own ridiculous campaign, dubbed”Stop Hate Dump Trump.”

Rapper Rick Ross released a new song that calls for the assassination of Trump. Twitter is littered with assassination threats against Trump. Are any of these people being investigated? John Kasich’s Illinois co-campaign chairman Pat Brady was quoted as saying, in regards to Trump, “You gotta take him out with a head shot.” National Republican strategist Rick Wilson candidly advised that the party’s donor class must find a way to “put a bullet” in Trump. While our own government is clearly not interested in this, a Russian Foreign Intelligence Service report has concluded there is an active plot to eliminate Donald Trump’s threat to the status quo.

Quintessential establishment stooge Paul Ryan has joined the media chorus insinuating that Trump is “racist,” because David Duke evidently supports him. While Trump disavowed Duke’s support, the larger question here should bother anyone who values civil liberties. If I’d been Trump, I would have responded with, “How can I stop anyone from voting for me? Since I need and want votes, why would I stop anyone from voting for me? I want everyone’s vote.” And Duke has now come out and stated that he never supported Trump in the first place. But that won’t matter- the childishly transparent narrative has been set. If Trump is called “racist” enough times, much of the dumbed-down public will accept it.

Donald Trump is the only candidate that is promising to finally do something about our insane immigration policy. He is the only one who has talked about the deadly Visa programs, which bring foreign workers in to this country, and pay companies who hire them over American citizens a bonus. He’s the only one who has criticized the TPP monstrosity, as well as NAFTA and all the other disastrous trade deals that have gutted American industry and destroyed blue-collar wages. He has at least hinted at 9/11 truth. And now he’s called for auditing the Federal Reserve. Is it any wonder that the establishment is lined up against him?

Bernie Sanders also wants to audit the Fed,  and has focused on the One Percent and the sinful distribution of wealth in America. He also wants to end the burgeoning private prison industry. Both he and Trump are far too supportive of the “war” on terror and foreign interventionism, but all of the establishment-friendly candidates are militaristic authoritarians who have no respect for civil liberties. Since the Democrats are clearly handing the nomination to Hillary, even if Sanders somehow wins the rest of the primaries, I believe Trump is our best hope.

In 2012, Ron Paul was royally screwed over by the system. Despite the largest, most enthusiastic crowds in every state, he officially lost time and time again, to the robotic Mitt Romney and even Rick Santorum, who often had only a handful of people at his rallies. Ron Paul made a huge mistake, in my view, in not confronting the issue publicly. This kind of vote fraud, which I covered extensively in Hidden History, is not a “conspiracy theory.” It’s a reality of the rotten electoral system we’ve allowed to remain in place.

Our thoroughly corrupt electoral system is finally being exposed to the masses. With two renegade candidates doing well, drawing huge crowds, how obvious does it have to get that the all important delegates are simply not reflecting the will of the voting public?  And that is, of course, assuming that the votes are even being counted honestly. What is the point of trudging out to the polls if your vote is subject to the whim of a party plutocrat, or some “super” delegate who is allowed to be “committed” to the establishment’s choice, regardless of what the voters want?

Marco Rubio and other establishment Republicans clearly want a brokered convention. John F. Kennedy was the first modern candidate to realize the importance of the primaries, and to win his party’s nomination because of them, and in spite of a party leadership that desired to reward loyal soldier Lyndon Johnson. Brokered conventions used to be all the rage. Is that what the people want? An establishment stooge being picked by elitist insiders in a smoke-filled room? Well, not smoke-filled anymore. That would be politically incorrect.

The same mainstream media that lies to the people constantly, and is literally rooting against Trump, talks about the importance of our “democratic right to vote.” And in the next breath, they’ll explain, with room-brightening smiles, how Hillary Clinton was given more delegates in New Hampshire than Bernie Sanders, who beat her soundly in popular votes. “Super” delegates and all that.

Sanders has already been screwed over. I wish he’d speak out, instead of taking it like Ron Paul did. Donald Trump represents the will of a populace fed up with the corrupt establishment. If they screw him over, too, then it will be obvious to all that we are not a government of the people.